With the increase in population the old settlements in the villages of different valleys are bursting and compelling people either to migrate or settle in areas that pose either natural hazard or provide no opportunity for agriculture development. In most of the cases people who migrate to cities and town are compelled to live in small houses. Their economic situation is further aggravated because the migrants from rural background do not have required skills that enable them to find a source of livelihood in urban settles. To cope with this situation it is imperative to development new lands in new areas. It will not only help in reducing outward migration but also provide people with livelihood opportunities.
The land development component of ETI takes this context into consideration in it activities. Under this activity a total of 50,000 acres of new land will be brought under cultivation under the ETI programme through the development of irrigation infrastructure and land development in four districts of GB. The irrigation infrastructure and subsequent land development will be undertaken in phases. Following table shows phasing of the land development.

District Wise Land Development – Acres | ||||||
Ghizer | Ganche | Astore | Diamer | |||
Year-1 | ||||||
Year-2 | ||||||
Year-3 | 10% | 1,350 | 800 | 900 | 1,950 | 5,000 |
Year-4 | 30% | 4,050 | 2,400 | 2,700 | 5,850 | 15,000 |
Year-5 | 30% | 4,050 | 2,400 | 2,700 | 5,850 | 15,000 |
Year-6 | 20% | 2,700 | 1,600 | 1,800 | 3,900 | 10,000 |
Year-7 | 10% | 1,350 | 800 | 900 | 1,950 | 5,000 |
Total | 100% | 50,000 |
This activity intends to provide 1 acre of new land area to beneficiary household for cultivation. For that purpose, ETI pays US$ 100 per acre to the beneficiaries to enable them to develop the new land quickly for cropping. A formal scheme management/water user association and arrangement with appropriate accountability mechanisms is established as part of agreement with beneficiary community.
The new land area enables farmer to produce additional crops and fruit and enhance family income. This component includes recurrent cost of operation and maintenance (O&M) which will be met and arranged through the 50% cost recovery planned to be undertaken by the communities benefiting from the schemes. For each acre of land developed a total of PKR. 27,070 will be generated in three years (PKR. 9,690 per crop or year).
Repayment Mechanism:
The final acquitted cost of scheme will be the basis for calculation of 50% repayment by the beneficiary community. Women headed households and landless will be exempt from repayment. Each of the beneficiary’s share will be calculated on the basis of his land share in newly developed land. A bank account will be opened for management of recovered funds and the account will be jointly operated by SMT President and an ETI nominated staff (depending on situation, can be SMP or WMD or any suitable combination). The recovered funds would be utilized only for the activities prioritized in village development plans. Every activity selected for utilization of these funds would require to be planned and budgeted with the help of SMP staff and implemented only after approval of RCU.