Feedback & Complaint

Feedback & Complaint2024-09-16T16:22:18+05:00

You can send your feedback or lodge a complaint by writing to directly with a clear subject line indicating your purpose. You can also attach any supporting documents.

For contact and any other additional information please consult with the relevant regional offices and program coordination unit Gilgit-Baltistan on the following contact details. 

Program Coordination Unit GilgitRegional Coordination Unit GilgitRegional Coordination Unit BaltistanRegional Coordination Unit Diamer
House #04, River View Road, Chinar Bagh, Gilgit, Pakistan
Telephone +92 (5811) 922550-3
Fax +92 (5811) 922554
House #04, River View Road, Chinar Bagh, Gilgit, Pakistan
Telephone +92 (5811) 922550-3
Fax +92 (5811) 922554
Patwal Olding Road, Skardu.
Telephone +92 (5815) 920152
Fax +92 (5815) 920153
Baqi House, Farooq Abad, Chilas
Telephone +92 (5812) 920225
Fax +92 (5812) 920226